Restoration of the Cloister at the Church Santa Maria de Palacio

Patio del Claustro de Santa María de Palacio
Concéntrico 03

Guillermo Santomà

The piece “Restoration of the Cloister at the Church of Santa María de Palacio” seeks to fictionally complete the renovations carried out by architect Gerardo Cuadra from 1988 to 1996:

« The cloister is a largely classicist piece that followed different traces until Juan de Riba in 1609. It’s worth noting that Juan de Ancha restored the original fountain around 1550. It was disassembled in 1701 by José Raón and José González de la Jartada as part of the reinforcement work being done on the pillars behind the transept and their transverse arch, which threatened to destroy the steeple.

Found by Cuadra Rodríguez, it has been rebuilt based on sketches dated 1701, before its demolition, thus returning to the cloister its centre, which had been lost for over two centuries.»

Guillermo Santomà

Spanish designer Guillermo Santomá (b.1984) lives and works in Barcelona. After completing his MA in Design from Elisava Barcelona, Santomà attracted attention to his work after his total transformation of Casa Horta – an architectonic, artistic intervention in a traditional horta-house from the beginning of the 20th century. Santomà places himself somewhere in-between architecture and design and creates complete environments for his work to act in.

With the artistic formula ‘to create is to destroy’, Santomà works to deconstruct the fixed images of design. Never pre-sketching his work, Santomà’s work is a constant process of deformation and creation.