Educational Program
New Season
Red Planea – Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso
Within the framework of the social component that we have developed in Concéntrico, we present a new Educational Programme that will take the spirit of the project to schools all over Spain, thus de-seasonalising and extending the work through shared processes. This initiative has the collaboration of the art and school network PLANEA, promoted by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, and the support of the Government of La Rioja through the Centro Riojano de Innovación Educativa.
The programme consists of two projects: ‘How we live the school, how we live the city’ by the artist Maider López and ‘Nervaduras y conos’ by matali crasset + Taller enBlanco, which will reach 32 schools throughout Spain in the 2024/25 school year.
‘Nervures et cones’ by matali crasset + Workshop enBlanco
The project is based on the premise that the manifestations of nature are subject to the demands of space, time and the forces of matter. This mediation seeks a harmony that we must rediscover by reducing the abundant variety of forms to a few fundamental archetypes: a backbone materialised by a rib, and the cone multiplied at different scales.
‘How we live the school, how we live the city’ by Maider López
The project consists of creating a collective and subjective map of the classroom, the school and the city through the students’ experience of their surroundings.
Depending on how they experience the public space, the students will place five pieces in different points following a colour code. Thus, in addition to paying attention to how we feel in each place, reviewing our emotions and remembering experiences there, creating a collective map from individual experiences, sharing them and building the place from our emotions. The project can show how the same place can mean different things to different people, or make students’ dissatisfaction with a particular area of the school visible.
Nervaduras y conos
The project aims to encourage creativity. Through the manipulation of simple geometric shapes such as cones and ribs, students will create complex structures, applying design concepts inspired by nature.
Nervaduras y conos
matali crasset + enBlanco workshop
Educational programme
Cómo vivimos la escuela, cómo vivimos la ciudad
The programme creatively explores students’ relationship with public space: reflect on their emotions and experiences in different places in the school environment, through an exercise in symbolic and subjective signposting.
How we live the school, how we live the city
Maider López
Educational programme
Educational Program
Concéntrico in the Classrooms
As part of the educational component of Concéntrico, Maider López and matali crasset + Taller enBlanco develop a program for schools in Spain that brings our working methodology into the classrooms with creative proposals.
Educational spaces
Concéntrico 10
Red Planea – Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso
Since 2015, the festival has carried out more than 120 urban installations, in addition to the ones we will carry out in 2024. Its development involves numerous collectives and entities that promote new collective practices in the public space from the local sphere: educational centres of different levels or associated cultural entities that weave a cohesive network with the city.
In 2024 we incorporated the proposals:
Outpost Office with the methodology Drawing with robots that modified the patterns of use of the playgrounds of two centres: IES Batalla de Clavijo and CEIP Duquesa de la Victoria.
Alei Verspoor with a series of workshops, which can be extended to all citizens and schoolchildren – families, based on an open process with the Escuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja, from the fashion and interiors department.
Cuaderno de surcos by ji arquitectos + Blas Antón for Viña Lanciano. Through a poem, they propose to rethink the landscape of La Rioja through drawings by primary school children, an open call to explore themes such as landscape linked to the identity of the territory, ecology, sustainability and the plant environment.
The Street in 10 Years, an open programme with Porto Academy, in which we incorporate IES Sagasta to study the environment of La Glorieta, Duquesa de la Victoria street and Beti Jai for a period of 10 years.
Public Utilities
The installation is part of an ongoing investigation into the civic potential of notation. Can we make architecture through drawing — not as instructions for building, but as space itself?
Outpost Office
Plaza 1º Mayo + Schools
Concentrico celebrates its 10th anniversary and in this period it has kept fabrics from the installations of the past editions. To commemorate its birthday, Alei Verspoor will reuse these fabrics in a new process.
Alei Verspoor
Centro Cultura del Rioja
Intervention – Workshop
Cuaderno de surcos
A visual landscape on the natural lines drawn by the vineyards, reinterpreted through intuition: a reading with extensible industrial artefacts that allow us to decide and customise the environment.
ji architects + Blas Antón
Lanciano Vineyard
Educational spaces
Concéntrico 09
Red Planea – Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso
These interventions deseasonalise the Concéntrico proposals, as the work is extended through shared processes. In some cases they will remain until the month of August, such as the Birdhouses that facilitate nesting throughout the season, or indefinitely in the school playground in the case of the Studio Ossidiana sandboxes.
The garden of intersections
Studio Ossidiana – Plaza San Bartolomé
One of these experiences is carried out with the intervention of Studio Ossidiana, which inhabits the Plaza de San Bartolomé and then moves on to the Las Gaunas school, a nursery and primary school where they are developing design processes with the pupils. During two weeks in April, the teaching staff will carry out different activities using the installation as a vehicle to talk about territory and pigments (the sandboxes incorporate different soils from La Rioja) and also about the city, as the project bases its architecture on local heritage (castles, battlements, windows…).
La rebelión del Crazy Army
Recetas Urbanas – IES Batalla de Clavijo surroundings
Along the same lines, the Recetas Urbanas project (Santiago Cirugeda and Alice Attout) in the surroundings of the IES Batalla de Clavijo has brought together all levels of high school in a collective strategy that proposes to “storm” the centre from the outside by means of walkways, Trojan horses, mobile towers, zip lines… These collective constructions will be coordinated by different technicians, teachers and advisors, who will collaborate in the process and in the assembly, including, in addition, some members of the Lakalle Association, which, although based in Vallecas, will come to collaborate in this experience. In this way, the teenagers become the main actors and propose alternative ways of using public spaces in connection with the “Batalla”.
Birdhouses Glorieta
Hollmén Reuter Sandman – Glorieta del Doctor Zubía
The Finnish architectural studio incorporates sensitivity to the environment, materials and landscape to re-inhabit La Glorieta, the city’s central park. An analysis of the site, together with species research with local ornithologists, has resulted in an intervention that incorporates 24 bird boxes to recover the birds that migrate from March onwards. The Sagasta Secondary School and its Biology students will study the most frequent species of birds and bats in the Glorieta: by means of cards on each one, observations, taking photographs, in a strategy to understand and care for the environment of the schools.
Spaces and Education
Among the various activities in the interventions and centres, we propose the Conversations on Spaces and Education, CRIE and Red Planea together with educational centres in La Rioja with:
Sofía Coca, ZEMOS98 / PLANEA, art and school network
Cristina Alba, Cotidiana SCA cooperative of architects
Alicia Bernardos, IES Menéndez Pelayo (Getafe)
Date: 27 April 2023
Time: 19:00 hours
Place: Esdir conference room
The Garden of Intersections
An inhabitable tribute to the soils of the city and of its territory, a sequence of mineral filled rooms, where to play, dig, or draw on the ground itself.
Studio Ossidiana
Plaza de San Bartolomé
La Rebelión del Crazy Army
Students and teachers are considering an “assault” on the school, understanding the relationship between the buildings that make it up and its immediate surroundings.
Recetas Urbanas
IES Batalla de Clavijo
Glorieta Birdhouses
The proposal emphasizes nature’s presence in the city centre, with the help of a local ornithologist association, and enriches its biodiversity by introducing birdhouses.
Hollmen Reuter Sandman Architects
Glorieta del Doctor Zubía