P + S Estudio de Arquitectura
Parque del Ebro
Circum alludes to the primitive act of “enclosing” and thus “creating place”. In this way, in the elementary operation of differentiating between what is inside (system) and what is outside (environment), the limit is marked for the first time, thus constituting a first form of architecture.
The intention, then, is to open up the discussion on the indeterminacy of the enclosed space, which can contain innumerable acts, all of them arising from the communicative chance between the inside and the outside. CIRCUM therefore aims to be an allegory for the much-needed spatial “indeterminism”, over and above the uncontainable desire to design everything.
The aim is to generate a new dynamic scenario inside the Ebro Park, with the purpose of transforming the public space of the park into an active social space, a scenario of encounters and exchanges, which in its ephemeral nature, generates new flows and corners of sociability.
To this end, a single module is configured, which, repeated successively, ends up giving body to Circum, which works with the very density of its grouping. This module is resolved through the constructional honesty proposed by the material itself, exposing the physical mechanics that permit its construction: from the interweaving of the wood, which alludes to the vernacular stacking used in traditional drying, to the weight necessary for its foundations, which in this case appears inverted, taking it off the ground to hang it from the centre of gravity of the module itself.
Thus, the elementary architectural triad of structure-space-skin of the built body is resolved with a single essential and reversible operation, making CIRCUM a nomadic system capable of reconfiguring and reconstructing itself in the different territories of its own journey.