Tea, Chocolate & Coffee
Biblioteca de La Rioja
Concentrico 05
knitknot architecture
The Library of La Rioja keeps all kinds of stories inside. ‘Te, Chocolate and Coffee’ proposes re-imagining your patio as a Corral de Comedias (1) to transmit and interpret these stories – the city of Logroño had a Corral de Comedias the courtyard of the Hospital de la Misericordia, inaugurated in 1604 and which remained until 1839 -.
With this intention, the intervention starts from a series of architectural spaces that invite storytelling and borrows them to give them a new context in the library courtyard, placing them around the puppet theater, which acts as a stage. This re-contextualization turns them into characters and spectators, in such a way that each individual fragment proposes a way of telling – and listening – stories, more or less intimate, more or less collective, more or less exposed, that together form the grandstand for the central stage.
(1) Corral de Comedias
m. During the XVI and XVII centuries, this word was used to designate a model of public open-air theater installed in the inner courtyards between neighboring blocks in the main cities across Spain.