Tools for Action
Tools for Action is an artist group led by Artúr van Balen and Tomás Espinosa and was founded in 2012. Tools for Action ́s goal is to explore the intersection between art and activism, between the language of poetry and political engagement. Tools for Action ́s main medium is the collective building of an inflatable. These workshops serve as a form of community building and engages new audiences and invites everyone to explore coordinated action together.
Tools for Action ́s last projects were Mirror Barricade, 2016, building a collective barricade to stop a neo-Nazi march in Dortmund, Germany, Transinflabea creative laboratory for the rights and visibility of the Trans sex workers in Bogotá, Colombia together with the Red Comunitaria Trans, a transfeminist street organization and Signals, Resonating Revolutions, a performance commemorating the November Revolution of 1918 in Germany in collaboration with Kulturprojekte Berlin.
Artúr van Balen (1983, Budapest)is a dutch-hungarian artist, based in Berlin and founder of Tools for Action. He studied philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and fine arts at the Berlin University of Arts. In 2018 he co-curated Floating Utopias, a travelling exhibition about inflatable art and the utopian imagination at the neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) in Berlin.
Tomás Espinosa (Bogotá, 1985) is a colombian artist, based in Berlin. His works consist of investigating the field of sculpture and time-making process across performative situations, taking places in and out of public spaces where the artist explores the stories of their location and the circumstances of possible encounters.
After his studies in Visual Arts at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota (2007), Tomas joined the Universität der Künste (2011-2016) and participated in the Institut für Raumexperimente program through the direction of Olafur Eliasson (2011-2014).
Espinosa realized collaborative exhibitions, performances and workshops in several countries (Vitamin Space, Guangzhou, China, 2014; Triennial of Architecture, MUDE Museum of Fashion and Design, Lisbon, Portugal, 2013; Addis Foto Fest , Addis Abeba, Ethiopia,2012) and in Berlin (Festival of Futures Now, Neue Nationalgalerie, 2014 and Hamburger Bahnhof 2017). His first solo-show „ Relaciones de Barrio“ was presented at the Studio 74 Gallery (Bogotá, 2017).
Since 2014 Tomás Espinosa and Artúr van Balen work together as a duo.