

Concéntrico 06 – Gran vía Street

The design and architecture festival “Concentrico 06”, is a call for reflection on the urban environment and the city. Starting from this premise, instead of implementing an installation that is alien to the reality of the city, we decided to carry out an analysis of the existing urban elements, and identify those with great potential, from which we take full advantage. In this way, we chose the bench as an element on which to act.

From there, our approach is focused on how to achieve that the bench is no longer a mere piece of urban furniture that responds practically only to the need for rest of the passer-by. That it is not only an element that, due to its design, morphology and scale, tends to be used in a unipersonal way, transforming itself from public to private, against its nature. Our intention is that the bench becomes an urban space, generating activity and social relations. The bank as a meeting point.

To bring about this change, we intervened in the size of the piece, expanding it to an urban scale, turning it into a visually striking element that functions as a space. On the other hand, we provide this static element with dynamism, allowing the piece itself to have the capacity to interact with the user, depending on how it is used, through movement.

Thus, a bench, a large rocking bench, emerges. A space in the city, dynamic and adaptable that can generate, thanks to its dimension and movement, diverse situations between different users, giving rise to social relations and being a focus of activity in the area where it is located.

We want to rethink the use of the city, its spaces and the different elements that make it up, and through small interventions such as banquets, improve what already exists.

Conversation with Mecanismo – Pedro Rica y Marta Urtasun
Download / 39min39s – 22Mb ]


Mecansimo results from the combination of a profound interest in materials and a careful execution of ideas, all this developed with a clear obsession for investigation and innovation of new concepts.

The materialization of these ideas resulted to create the architectural studio based in Madrid and founded in 2012 by Marta Urtasun and Pedro Rica. Specialized in the development and execution of projects, systems and products related to design and architecture. Our work comprehends the complete creative process, from the conceptual idea to the detailed design.