Hex · pansiva
Escuela de Arquitectura de Toledo – Toledo School of Architecture
Installation at Concentrico 06
One of the greatest aspirations of architecture has always been to build, higher and higher. Advances in technology have made it possible to move from the solid stone wall, which forms a constricted space, to the slenderness of the pillars that allow for a flexible space. What is the next step? Following the logic, these elements must disappear and leave their space to the user. The aim of this exercise is to put this concept into value while giving character to a specific space.
The proposal for this space is that of a floating element, covering the space, which changes the user’s perception when he enters. The strategy to generate this element consists of creating a system that by means of its repetition and variation allows to generate one, or several forms covering the greater possible space. The union of this element, whose triangular shape, allows the configuration of several hexagons expanding all over the yard. To achieve that the set of these triangular pieces floats inside the patio, Helium will be used. With time, due to the loss of gas, the canopy will change its position and shape adapting to the height. This makes the proposal become something that evolves, that is not static, that varies over time.
Hex – pansiva has been designed as a floating object that culminates the fifth facade of the proposed space in the Library of La Rioja, making the apparently unreal reality.
It has been designed from the most humane point of view, to occupy a space for carrying out activities, and also to transform a space for a short period of time.
This canopy will awaken concerns and will be adapted to the new realities we are experiencing.
Its composition is completely made of wood which provides a high integration to the environment, showing to be a service to the society.
“Architecture is beyond utilitarian facts. Architecture is a plastic fact. (…) Architecture is the wise, correct, magnificent play of volumes under light. (…) Its meaning and task is not only to reflect the construction and absorb a function, if by function we mean that of pure and simple utility, of comfort and practical elegance. Architecture is art in its highest sense, it is mathematical order, it is pure theory, complete harmony thanks to the exact proportion of all relationships: this is the “function” of architecture”.
Le Corbusier
Talk with E. Arquitectura de Toledo – Carlos A. Wandosell
[ Descarga / 56min29s – 20Mb ]